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Asian Equities News 2015-08-18: Lucapa Diamond Recovers Large Angolan Diamonds

18.08.2015  |  ABN Newswire
Sydney, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Lucapa Diamond Company Ltd. (ASX:LOM) announced the recovery of five large special diamonds from just the first four days of mining at the BLK_08 area at the Lulo Diamond Concession in Angola. The five specials (diamonds weighing 10.8 carats and above) recovered so far from include individual stones weighing 53.2 carats, 21.7 carats, 21.1 carats, 12.0 carats and 10.8 carats. Lucapa and its partners have now recovered a total of 15 special diamonds to date in the September Quarter, including a 32.7 carat gem recovered from mining area 31, at an average weight of 19.7 carats per stone.

Employee engagement technology company REFFIND Ltd (ASX:RFN) has reached agreement with the Asia-Pacific arm of HR and recruitment specialists Randstad, who will use REFFIND Employ to target its network of 400,000 IT professionals. The Randstad Technologies division will use the REFFIND platform to push relevant job vacancies to candidates spanning Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

The Directors of Stanfield Funds Management Ltd (ASX:SFN) announced that Sprooki, a leader in mobile engagement and commerce, has entered into an agreement with SkyFii (ASX:SKF), a leader in public WiFi, real world analytics and data driven marketing. This agreement is a win-win for two leaders in the retail technology space, providing strategic upside from their complimentary platforms and market footprints. Spooki and SkyFii will initially collaborate in Vietnam's premier retail centre, Crescent Mall, and other selected enterprises throughout Asia Pacific.


Andrew Xiang
T: +61-2-8205-7338
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Lucapa Diamond Company Ltd.
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