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Zamia Metals Ltd.: Heads of Agreement with EcoTech Mining Pty Limited

07.12.2015  |  ABN Newswire
Sydney, Dec 7, 2015 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Zamia Metals Limited (ASX:ZGM) and EcoTech Mining Pty Ltd (EcoTech) have signed a binding Heads of Agreement (HoA) for the 100% acquisition of EcoTech by Zamia.

EcoTech over the last seven years has developed break-through technologies for the extraction of precious and base metals from refractory and non-refractory mineral resources utilising an innovative chlorination process. These processes provide:

- Better recovery and extraction of refractory precious metals (Au, Ag) and base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, etc.) often greater than 90% extraction;

- Safe removal off site of hazardous metals associated with refractory ores;

- Ability to treat a wide range of feed materials including oxides, sulphides, mixed ores, slag and tailings.

EcoTech is currently working towards the completion of a bankable feasibility study, leading to construction of an EcoTech demonstration plant to treat refractory gold bearing ore or tailings.

Both parties will now proceed with appropriate due diligence and required capital raisings to progress the acquisition.

About Zamia Metals Limited

Zamia Metals Limited (ASX:ZGM) is an Australian mineral exploration company, targeting the Clermont district of central Queensland, a known gold and emerging porphyry mineral province. Numerous targets for gold, copper and molybdenum have been identified by geochemical and geophysical surveys. The Clermont district is highly prospective for gold, copper and other metals including molybdenum. The Belyando Gold Project is Zamia's flagship project – potentially a porphyry-style gold deposit including historic Belyando Gold Mine


Zamia Metals Ltd
Andrew Skinner, Executive Chairman and CEO
T: +61 2 8223 3744

EcoTech Mining Pty Ltd
Gary Cochrane, Chairman
T: +61 417 654 090
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Zamia Metals Ltd.
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