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Stanmore Coal Limited: Commencement of New Managing Director

14.11.2016  |  ABN Newswire
Brisbane - Stanmore Coal Ltd. (ASX:SMR) (Stanmore, the Company) today announces the commencement of the Company's new Managing Director Mr Dan Clifford. The appointment was announced to the market on 4 October 2016.

Mr Clifford has more than 20 years' experience in the coal mining industry and has worked in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. He has substantial open cut and underground coal mining experience, including responsibility for major dragline and longwall operations under previous employers which include Glencore, Anglo Coal, BHP and Solid Energy.

He was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Solid Energy New Zealand in 2014 when the company was facing significant financial pressures and very difficult market conditions for coal mining companies. During this period, significant achievements in health and safety and operational efficiencies were reached. In parallel with running the operations of Solid Energy, Mr Clifford has led the process of an asset sales program.

Previously Mr Clifford held the position at Glencore of General Manager of the Ulan Complex, New South Wales and has held roles with Anglo Coal and BHP Billiton in technical, operational and regional management roles.

Neville Sneddon, Chairman of Stanmore, said, "We are very pleased to have secured Dan's services and officially welcome him to the Company during this exciting phase for the coal industry. Dan will apply his vast operational and development experience to the significant opportunity within Isaac Plains and the rest of the portfolio."

Dan will be based in Brisbane. His appointment as Managing Director increases the number of directors to seven.

About Stanmore Coal Limited:

Stanmore Coal (ASX:SMR) is an operating coal mining company with a number of additional prospective coal projects and mining assets within Queensland's Bowen and Surat Basins. Stanmore Coal owns 100% of the Isaac Plains Coal Mine and the adjoining Isaac Plains East Project and is focused on the creation of shareholder value via the efficient operation of Isaac Plains and identification of further local development opportunities. Stanmore continues to progress its prospective high quality thermal coal assets in the Northern Surat Basin which will prove to be valuable as the demand for high quality, low impurity thermal coal grows at a global level. Stanmore’s focus is on the prime coal bearing regions of the east coast of Australia.


Stanmore Coal Ltd.
Mr Dan Clifford Managing Director
T: +61-7-3238-1000

Mr Andrew Roach Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary
T: +61-7-3238-1000
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Stanmore Coal Ltd.
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