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Silver Mines Ltd.
A0LEFD / AU000000SVL8


  • Many are familiar with the all too often chanted slur from cryptocurrency enthusiasts that Bitcoin is "Gold 2.0", but we feel this is inaccurate. The truth is Bitcoin and Gold both share a great deal in common, and it might be wise to instead consider these two assets as viable companions in a portfolio that remains hedged against wider economic [...]
  • Silver Mines wishes to announce its intent to withdraw its listing on the ICAP Securities and Derivatives Exchange (ISDX) with effect from close of business on Friday, 29th March 2013. On review of the costs involved and the small take up of the platform, Silver Mines is of the opinion that there is no benefitin maintaining this dual listing and [...]
  • Silver Mines are pleased to announce that a drilling program has recently commenced at the Webbs Silver project. The drilling program is designed to expand the existing high grade silver resource (Table 1). This will be achieved by extensional drilling in areas where the deposit remains open at depth and along strike as shown in Figure 1. These [...]
  • Amended Appendix 3B to adjust the number of securities that will be issued under this Appendix 3B per ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and 71.A (as announced 14 February 2013) and provide further information as set out below. The difference of 7,917,972 options and the securities placed will be the subject of a shareholder meeting to approve/ratify the [...]
  • Silver Mines are pleased to announce a placement of 27,332,848 fully paid ordinary shares at 4.7 cents per share raising approximately $1.2 million (before costs) and 13,666,424 options to sophisticated and institutional investors. The options have an exercise price of $0.10 expiring on 13 November 2013. The Company will apply to have the options [...]
  • Silver Mines is pleased to announce that shallow reverse circulation (RC) drilling its 100% owned Mole River project in northern NSW has intersected numerous zones of silver -base metal mineralisation at several prospects. The drill targets have been delineated from geochemical sampling, geological mapping and geophysics. Many targets occur [...]
  • The outcome of the resolutions put to the Annual General meeting of Silver Mines Limited at its Annual General Meeting held 19th November 2012 are as follows:
  • Silver Mines is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced on silver targets located at SVL's 100% owned Mole project in Northern NSW. These targets have been delineated from geochemical sampling, geological mapping and geophysics. All targets are associated with old workings the vast majority of which have never been drill tested [...]


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