Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit September 2016 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Rodinia Lithium Inc. fand aufgrund einer Umstrukturierung statt.
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Rodinia Lithium Inc. gab kürzlich bekannt, dass das Unternehmen plant, sein Geschäftsfeld zu ändern und in Zukunft als Investmentgesellschaft tätig zu sein. Dazu entschloss sich das Management von Rodinia nach eingehender Evaluierung der vorhandenen Ressourcen und strategischen Optionen. Eine außerordentliche Aktionärsversammlung, auf der über die [...]
Rodinia Lithium Inc. teilte kürzlich mit, eine Vereinbarung mit Aberdeen International Inc. eingegangen zu sein, gemäß der das Unternehmen 15.362.811 Stammaktien zu einem Preis von 0,065 $ je Stammaktie an Aberdeen ausgeben wird, um seine Schulden in voller Höhe von 998.582,72 $ zu begleichen. Diese waren im Zuge einer im Februar 2013 vereinbarten [...]
Rodinia Lithium is pleased to announce that it has received final approval from the TSX Venture Exchange and has completed a change of business to a tier 2 investment company under the rules of the TSXV. In connection with the COB, the Company will change its name to "Routemaster Capital Inc." and consolidate its common shares on the basis of one [...]
Rodinia Lithium is pleased to announce that at its annual and special meeting of common shareholders held on August 11, 2016, the common shareholders approved all matters put before them, including: (i) the change of business from a junior resource issuer to an investment issuer; (ii) the consolidation of the common shares in the capital of Rodinia [...]
Rodinia Lithium has purchased 3,250,000 subscription receipts of Kombat Copper at a price of $0.08 per Subscription Receipt for a gross investment of $260,000. Rodinia is also pleased to announce that it has received conditional approval from the TSXV for its proposed change of business from a junior resource issuer to an investment issuer. Final [...]
Rodinia Lithiu has entered into an agreement with Kombat Copper to subscribe for, on a non-brokered private placement basis, 3,250,000 subscription receipts at a price of $0.08 per Subscription Receipt for a gross investment of $260,000. Each Subscription Receipt will entitle Rodinia to acquire one common share of Kombat Copper and one common share [...]
Rodinia Lithium is pleased to announce the following update on Rodinia's previously announced plan to purse a change of business to a tier 2 investment company under the rules of the TSXV. Appointment of President and CEO In connection with the COB, the Company is pleased to announce the appointment of Fred Leigh as President and CEO effective [...]