Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit November 2013 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Breakaway Resources Ltd. fand aufgrund einer Übernahme durch Minotaur Exploration Ltd. statt.
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Minotaur Exploration gab heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen eine außerbörsliche Übernahme des australischen Explorationsunternehmens Breakaway Resources plant. Gemäß Übernahmeangebot soll die Transaktion in einem Aktientauschverhältnis von 10 Breakaway-Aktien für eine Minotaur-Aktie stattfinden. Mit einem angenommenen Preis von 1,24 Cents je Aktie [...]
Minotaur Exploration proposed takeover offer for Breakaway Resources announced to ASX on 15 July 2013 and pursuant to step 5 in section 633(1) of the Corporations Act, a copy of Minotaur's bidder's statement is attached. It was lodged with ASIC earlier today.Please note the following key dates:- Register Date (the date for determining [...]
Minotaur advises its 50% owned subsidiary Minotaur Gold Solutions has completed its acquisitionand its wholly owned subsidiary Scotia Nickel Pty Ltd of the Scotia tenements in Western Australia.The Scotia tenements, covering approximately 160km2, are located about 65km north of Kalgoorlie. Aphrodite Gold may earn a joint venture beneficial interest [...]
Minotaur Exploration and Breakaway Resources today announced a binding Bid Implementation Agreement under which Minotaur proposes to acquire all of the issued shares in Breakaway by way of an off-market agreed takeover offer. Under the offer, Breakaway shareholders will receive one (1) new Minotaur share for every ten (10) Breakaway shares held [...]
Minotaur has backed up its proposed takeover of Breakaway Resources, announced today, with a separate round of deals likely to see $9 million injected into immediate copper and gold exploration work on Breakaway-owned assets in both Western Australia and Queensland.
Minotaurand its wholly-owned subsidiary Minotaur Gold Solutions have entered into a binding Sale and Purchase Deed with Breakaway Resources and its wholly owned subsidiary Scotia Nickel to acquire 14 tenements in Western Australia. The Scotia tenements cover approximately 160km2 located about 65km north of Kalgoorlie, where Aphrodite Gold Limited [...]