Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Dezember 2017 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Anfield Gold Corp. fand aufgrund einer Fusion mit Equinox Gold Corp. statt.
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Serabi Gold Plc. meldete heute eine Vereinbarung, wonach das Unternehmen 100% von Chapleau Resources kaufen wird. Chapleau gehört der Anfield Gold Corporation und besitzt das Goldprojekt Coringa in Brasilien. Den Angaben zufolge erwirbt Serabi das gesamte ausgegebene Aktienkapital von Chapleau sowie dessen ausstehende Verbindlichkeiten bei Anfield [...]
Trek Mining Inc., NewCastle Gold Ltd. und Anfield Gold Corp. meldeten gestern eine bindende Vereinbarung für einen Zusammenschluss der drei Unternehmen. Es soll ein neues Unternehmen namens Equinox Gold Corp. entstehen, welches unter dem Kürzel EQX an der TSX Venture Exchange handeln wird. Die Aktionäre von Trek Mining und NewCastle Gold werden [...]
Anfield Nickel Corp. meldete Anfang der Woche den Abschluss der Übernahme von Magellan Minerals Ltd. Anfield hat demnach sämtliche ausgegebenen und ausstehenden Wertpapiere von Magellan erworben. Die Magellan-Aktionäre erhielten dabei 0,0863 einer Anfield-Stammaktie pro Magellan-Stammaktie. Später gab das Unternehmen zudem bekannt, dass man eine [...]
Anfield Gold Corp. announced today that it has closed its previously announced sale of the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Chapleau Resources Ltd., and its Coringa Gold Project to Serabi Gold Plc. Upon closing of the Transaction, the Company received the initial payment of US$5 million in cash. A further US$5 million in cash is payable within [...]
Anfield Gold Corp., further to the November 10, 2017 Anfield press release, has enforced its right to foreclose on the shares of Mayaniquel S.A. which were pledged to Anfield by Cunico Resources N.V pursuant to certain share pledge agreements entered into between the parties in 2014. Legal and beneficial title to the Mayaniquel Shares had been [...]
Trek Mining is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive credit agreement through its wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, Aurizona Goldfields Corporation, with Sprott Private Resource Lending, L.P. to provide a US$85 million secured project credit facility that will be used for the development, construction and working capital [...]
Trek Mining, NewCastle Gold and Anfield Gold are pleased to announce that NewCastle and Anfield shareholders have approved the plan of arrangement whereby the two businesses will be acquired by Trek Mining to create Equinox Gold Corp., a new multi-asset mining company. Anfield Gold logo The Transaction was approved by 93.3% of the votes cast by [...]
Trek Mining, NewCastle Gold and Anfield Gold are pleased to announce an update on the proposed transaction to combine their businesses to create Equinox Gold, as previously announced on October 25, 2017. Led by Ross Beaty as Chairman, Equinox Gold will be a well-financed gold mining company with a near-term strategy to become a multi-asset [...]