Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Februar 2016 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Starfield Resources Inc. fand aufgrund eines Konkurses statt.
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Crown Gold gab am Freitag bekannt, von der Nevoro Copper, dem Tochterunternehmen der Starfield Resources, eine Liegenschaft im Nordosten Kaliforniens erworben zu haben. Diese beinhaltet 132 unpatentierte und 36 patentierte Minenclaims, darunter auch die ehemalige Engels-Mine sowie die Superior-Mine. Diese hatten zwischen 1914 und 1930 aus 4,7 Mio [...]
Starfield Resources announced today that it is deemed to have made an assignment in bankruptcy, effective at the close of business on June 28, 2013, for failure to file a proposal before the time for doing so has passed pursuant to the provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (the "BIA"). The Company also announced that all of the [...]
Further to TSX Bulletin 2013-0202 dated March 8, 2013, TSX has determined to delist the Common Shares of the Company at the close of market on April 18, 2013 for failure to meet the continued listing requirements of TSX. The Common Shares will remain suspended from trading. About TMX Group. TMX Group's key subsidiaries operate cash and derivative [...]
Starfield Resources - Further to TSX Bulletin #2013-0061 dated January 21, 2013, the Common Shares of the Company (Symbol: SRU) which are being reviewed with respect to meeting the requirements for continued listing pursuant to the Remedial Review Process, will now be subject to the Expedited Review Process. The Common Shares are suspended from [...]
Starfield Resources today announced that, with the authorization and approval of its board of directors, Starfield has filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal pursuant to the provisions of Part III of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). Pursuant to the Notice of Intention, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. has been appointed as the trustee [...]
Starfield Resources today announced the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") has informed the Company that it is reviewing the eligibility for continued listing of Starfield's common shares on the TSX. The Company is being reviewed under the TSX's Remedial Review Process and has been granted 60 days to comply with all requirements for continued listing [...]