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NorthX Nickel Corp. Announces AGSM Results

26.06.2024  |  Newsfile

Vancouver, June 25, 2024 - NorthX Nickel Corp. (CSE: NIX) (OTCQB: NXNIF) (FSE: 6YR) (the "Company" or "NorthX") is pleased to announce the voting results from its Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting"), held on June 25, 2024.

Shareholders voted in favour of all matters of business considered at the Meeting. Each of those matters is set out in detail in the Management Information Circular published in connection with the Meeting, which is available on the Company's website

A total of 12,737,439 common shares, representing approximately 44.75% of the Company's outstanding common shares, were voted in person and by proxy at the Meeting.

Shareholders approved the fixing of the number of directors at five (5) (99.47% in favour) and re-elected the following directors pursuant to a vote. The following is the tabulation of proxy votes in the election of the five directors:

Nominee Votes For % For Votes Withheld % Withheld
Tom Meyer 12,037,486 96.57 427,693 3.43
Simon Marcotte 12,037,349 96.57 427,830 3.43
Brian Penny 12,229,354 98.11 235,825 1.89
Adree DeLazzer 12,423,844 99.67 41,335 0.33
Christian Kargl-Simard 12,239,653 98.19 225,526 1.81

Shareholders also voted 99.72% in favour of the appointment of BDO Canada LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the auditor of the Company for the ensuing year and authorizing the directors to fix the auditor's remuneration.

In addition, the Omnibus Equity Incentive Compensation Plan was approved (97.07% in favour).

About NorthX Nickel

NorthX is a Canadian Ni-Cu-Co-PGE focused exploration and development company with an extensive portfolio of assets in Quebec and Ontario, Canada. The Company's flagship asset is the Grasset Project, located within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, with an indicated mineral resource of 5.5 Mt @ 1.53% NiEq (such NiEq grade being established based on: 1.22% Ni, 0.13% Cu, 0.03% Co, 0.26 g/t Pt, 0.64 g/t Pd). In addition, the Company holds a portfolio of 37 properties and over 300 km2 in the world-class mining district of Sudbury, Ontario.

The Company's growth strategy is focused on the exploration and development of its nickel sulphide properties within its portfolio. NorthX's vision is to be a responsible nickel sulphide developer in stable pro-mining jurisdictions. NorthX is committed to socially responsible exploration and development, working safely, ethically, and with integrity. For more information, please visit

For Information

Tom Meyer

President & Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 866 899 7247

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NorthX Nickel Corp.
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