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Mineros S.A. Provides Notice of Second Quarter 2024 Conference Call

08.07.2024  |  CNW

MEDELLIN, July 8, 2024 - Mineros S.A. (TSX: MSA) (MINEROS:CB) ("Mineros" or the "Company") plans to release its second quarter 2024 financial and operating results on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Senior management will host a conference call on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time (8:00 AM Colombian Standard Time).

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About Mineros S.A.

Mineros is a Latin American gold mining company headquartered in Medellin, Colombia. The Company has a diversified asset base, with mines in Colombia and Nicaragua and a pipeline of development and exploration projects throughout the region.

The board of directors and management of Mineros have extensive experience in mining, corporate development, finance and sustainability. Mineros has a long track record of maximizing shareholder value and delivering solid annual dividends. For almost 50 years Mineros has operated with a focus on safety and sustainability at all its operations.

Mineros' common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "MSA", and on the Colombia Stock Exchange under the symbol "MINEROS".

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SOURCE Mineros S.A.

For further information, please contact: Ann Wilkinson, Vice President, Investor Relations,
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Mineros S.A.
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