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VR Resources Ltd. Announces Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

05.09.2024  |  The Newswire
VR Resources Ltd. (TSX.V: VRR; FSE: 5VR; OTCQB: VRRCF), the "Company" or "VR", is pleased to announce the voting results from the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") held today, Thursday September 5th, 2024.

A total of 36,200,969 common shares were voted at the Meeting, being 30.2% of the Company's total issued and outstanding common shares. A majority of shareholders voted in favor of the management resolutions brought before the Meeting, including:

  • The number of directors of the Company was fixed at three (3);

  • The members elected to the Company's Board of Directors for the ensuing year are as follows:

  • Michael Gunning, Executive Chairman;

  • Craig Lindsay, Audit Committee Chair;

  • Keith Inman.

  • Davidson Company LLP is re-appointed as auditors for the Company for the ensuing year;

  • Approval of the Company's Stock Option Plan and Long Term Incentive Plan.

  • Approval of the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan by Disinterested Shareholders.

Further, a management succession plan two years in the planning was executed following the AGM:

  • Dr. Gunning is appointed Executive Chairman, on the retirement of founding Chairman Darin Wagner;

  • Justin Daley, the Company's founding geologist and VP Exploration is appointed President and CEO, to assume the role filled by Dr. Gunning since inception;

  • Blaine Bailey and Cyndi Laval are re-appointed in their founding roles as Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary, respectively.

From Dr. Gunning, as founding CEO and incoming Chairman, "Some two years in the planning, we are ready for this succession, and I am excited for VR's path going forward. But first, I wish to convey on behalf of the entire team at VR our appreciation to outgoing and founding Chairman, Darin Wagner, for his shared visions at the start of VR's journey in greenfields exploration, and especially for the experience, dedication and rigor that he brought to Board governance, each and every day, from Day 1. We wish him the very best.

As our founding Project Geologist and VP Exploration, Justin's succession to CEO will be seamless; he knows the VR team, he knows our projects inside and out, and he knows what to do next. But further, Mr. Daley brings to VR's leadership a new-generation approach and expertise in Big Data which he gained at Harvard Business School, where he focused his studies on the application of AI and machine learning to the business and science of modern mineral exploration. VR's mantra is innovation, expertise and purpose, Justin embodies all three, and I look forward to working with him on a daily basis to continue VR's pursuit of new discoveries in the critical metals sector."

The Company wishes to thank its shareholders for the support at our AGM, and we look forward to executing

and reporting on our near-term exploration plans for this fall, as this generational opportunity in commodities takes hold in response the emerging Green Economy.

About VR Resources

VR is an established junior exploration company based in Vancouver (TSX.V: VRR; Frankfurt: 5VR; OTCQB: VRRCF). VR evaluates, explores and advances opportunities in copper, gold and critical metals in Nevada, USA, and Ontario, Canada, and more recently, a kimberlite breccia pipe discovery in northern Ontario. VR applies modern exploration technologies, in-house experience, and expertise in greenfields exploration to large-footprint systems in underexplored areas/districts. The foundation of VR is the proven track record of its Board in early-stage exploration, discovery and M&A. The Company is financed for its mineral exploration and corporate obligations. VR owns its properties outright and evaluates new opportunities on an ongoing basis, whether by staking or acquisition.


"Michael H. Gunning"


Dr. Michael H. Gunning, PhD, PGeo
Exec. Chairman

For general information please use the following:

Contact: Justin Daley, 604-865-5119; e-mail:

The Company's public disclosure filings can be accessed via , and readers are urged to review the materials.


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VR Resources Ltd.
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