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Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. Resources Announces Closing of Private Placements

17.12.2024  |  The Newswire
Vancouver, Dec. 17, 2024 - Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: CRB) ("Cariboo Rose" or the "Company "). Further to the news release dated November 07, 2024 and as clarified on November 14, 2024, the Company announces that it has closed non-brokered private placements (the "Private Placement") for total proceeds of $477,000 as follows:

  1. 7,500,000 units at a price of $0.04 per unit for total proceeds of $300,000. Each unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant, with each warrant entitling the holder to purchase an additional common share at a price of $0.06 for a period of 42 months from closing; and

  2. 2,950,000 flow-through shares at a price of $0.06 per flow-through share for total proceeds of $177,000.

All securities issued as part of the closing of this Private Placement, including any shares that may be issued pursuant to the exercise of the share purchase warrants, are subject to a hold period in Canada until April 12, 2025.

Cariboo Rose paid a cash finder's fee of $10,780 to Leede Financial Inc., of Vancouver, B.C. in connection with this private placement.

The proceeds will be used by the Company to conduct an exploration program at its Lightning Strike exploration project in British Columbia and for general working capital purposes. For greater clarity, working capital purposes do not include payments to non-arm's length parties except for ongoing general administrative services, or to investor relations activities exceeding 10% of the proceeds of the Private Placement.

Glen Garratt, director of Cariboo Rose, purchased a total of 200,000 flow through shares in the private placement. The participation of Mr. Garratt constituted a related party transaction within the meaning of TSX-V Policy 5.9 and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - "Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions" ("MI 61-101"). The Company has relied on exemptions from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements provided under sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(a) of MI 61-101 on the basis that the fair market value (as determined under MI 61-101) of insider participation in the private placement did not exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization.

Lightning Strike Project

The Lightning Strike Project is a 100% owned, 4,073-hectare, shale hosted gold-silver project modelled on the Spanish Mountain Gold Project located in similar rocks 95 kilometers to the northwest. Shale hosted orogenic gold deposits are one of the most attractive models for large gold deposits in the world. Over $550,000 has been spent on the property since 2019. Notable drill hole intercepts include:

  • 3.42 g/t gold and 228.1 g/t silver over 5.0 meters

  • 0.62 g/t gold and 7.2 g/t silver over 38.0 meters

  • 0.77 g/t gold over 20.0 meters, and

  • 19.30 g/t gold over 1.5 meters.

An exploration permit to drill, valid until April 28, 2029, was granted in 2024.

In addition to the Lightning Strike Project, the Company currently owns five additional Gold-Copper-Silver projects, all of which are located in British Columbia and possess large deposit attributes with large acreage tenures. Additional information on all properties is available in a September 18, 2024 news release and at the Company website

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. J.W. Morton, P. Geo., who is the Qualified Person within the context of NI 43-101 and takes responsibility for it.

For more information, please visit the Company's website at

J.W Morton

President and CEO

Contact: (604) 681-7913 or Toll Free: 888-656-6611

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

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Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd.
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