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EQS-News: Sitka Gold: Black Jack resource rises to 2.34 million ounces!

22.01.2025  |  DGAP
Sitka Gold (WKN A2JG70 / TSXV SIG)'s drilling campaigns on the RC Gold project in the Yukon continue to impress with every new discovery, as is the case with the publication of the new mineral resource estimate (MRE). With just 11,725 meters of additional diamond drilling since the publication of the first resource estimate in early 2023, the company has more than doubled the gold resource of its Blackjack deposit from 900,000 ounces at 0.83 g/t to a total of 2,335,000 ounces and also significantly increased the average grades in both the indicated and inferred resource categories. With every meter drilled, the company has therefore drilled an additional 122 ounces of gold in resources!

At a cutoff grade of 0.3 g/t gold, the indicated mineral resource is now 1,291,000 ounces of gold at a grade of 1.01 g/t (39,962,000 tons). The inferred mineral resource is 1,044,000 ounces of gold at a grade of 0.94 g/t (34,603,000 tons). The company has raised the cut-off grade for its new resource calculation despite a higher gold price than in 2023. At that time, a cut-off grade of 0.25 g/t gold was used to calculate the Blackjack. This speaks for a cautious strategy in publishing the results.

Read the full article:

Sitka Gold: Number of contained ounces increased by more than two and a half times!

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In accordance with §34b WpHG and § 48f (5) BörseG (Austria), we would like to point out that GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH and/or partners, clients or employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH hold shares in Sitka Gold and thus have a conflict of interest. GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH also reserves the right to buy or sell shares in the company at any time. In addition, GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH is paid by Sitka Gold for its coverage of the company. This is another clear conflict of interest.

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Sitka Gold Corp.
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